Thursday, February 26, 2009


A relationship is like the Tour de France. There are a lot of peaks and valleys, periods of conserving your energy followed by reckless sprints, and finally the crushing realization that Lance Armstrong is going to win, not you.

1. life is sometimes unfair, because bad things happen to good people.
2. God works in mysterious ways.
3. I despise lies. I hate liars. I do not lie (maybe occasionally white lie) and i do not like to be lied to. I hate it. I think liars are scumbags of the earth.
4. A 6 story scaffold collapse near where i work, and if i had not moved to my new apt, i would pass that route most of the time when i go home because that road was brightly lit. it was lucky that only three ppl (workers) were injured but the building collapse damaged tram lines and cars that were parked in front of it. My colleague had the nerve to tell me that the builders are the Asian Pacific Building Corporation. Emphasizing on the word Asian, because he concluded that this kind of things only happen in Asia.

Scaffolding collapses, three men hurt
Greg Roberts
February 24, 2009

Three workers have had a "miracle" escape after six levels of scaffolding collapsed at a Melbourne building site.
The three men, aged 24, 28 and 52, were taken to The Alfred hospital wearing neck braces. All are in stable condition.
The falling scaffolding also damaged half a dozen parked cars and pulled down power lines and overhead tram lines, blocking traffic.

1 comment:

Meow Mix said...

That's crazy reminds me of the city by me