Friday, December 12, 2008


Just came back from our institute's Xmas dinner at the Silver Circus. We had a 3 course meal and in the interim of the courses, had circus acts. After that, they converted the stage to a dance floor and there was a live band. I really had a lot of fun dancing and just letting myself feel the music. I've always been too shy to dance and always worried about what others might think of me but today i just didn't think and just swayed my body to the music. It felt good. Just had to blog about it before i go to sleep. Night.


S u n n Y B o i said...

wa, nyny dancing. hehe

Vi said...

Hey Jen, I was having so much fun at my company's year-end party too. Dressed up and dance and had fun silly. And I won vouchers from lucky draw. :)

When we going dancing and having fun? heee...