Friday, November 21, 2008

Xmas Casual Interview

What a hell of a week.
So recently, my hands very itchy, went to apply for a Xmas casual position in a retail shop, Cotton On (kind of like Aeropostale in USA and Padini in Msia). Casual work is when they have no one to work, so they will call u in advance to ask if you can work that shift. A bit different from part time work cause you don't have a specific time.
Got called for an interview, so i went lor. It was bloody long for an interview for a casual position Almost 2 hours. Siao lar this people. Things we had to do during the group interview.The point is for them to be able to judge our personality.

1. Introduce ourself and how old we are, and if we had a superpower, what would it be? ( can't help noticing i'm one of the oldest there)
2. Pair up in groups and introduce our partners and why they should be hired. ( My partner is Nesa, and she is 23 yrs old and has 2 kids)
3. Present about our previous work experience, and any leadership experience and reiterate why COtton On should hire us?
4. Fill up and application form stating which stores we wanted to apply to. and waited for 20 minutes for them to make a decision.

I didn't get it. I got called with a group outside and they told us we were not successful. Most of the asians (except one) that applied did not go through (?).It also has to do with the store you chose and their availabilities. Nesa, my partner, did not go through as well. I wasn't that bummed, but i wished they had let her through, she needed the money for her kids.

Oh well, what an experience. Definitely a blow to my self esteem. Probably i'm not pretty or bubbly enough to work in retail. hahaha. i will continue with lab work.


S u n n Y B o i said...

hehe , poor nyny. dun worry about it. hehe. have fun wif pa n mummy. =D

Vi said...

Wah, Nesa has 2 kids!! Ahaha