Monday, July 7, 2008

One down

I've finished uni and thought i'd never have to worry bout exams and homework, but i forgot something even more nervewrecking for me than exams and homeworks. PRESENTATION. this week, i'm due to present one at my lab meeting, and this friday for the WHOLE institute. holy crap. I finished my lab presentation this morning and they gave some good comments and suggestions to help me improve for Friday's talk. I'm so sorry i've not been replying your comments on the blog and chatbox, been very busy preparing for the talks. can't wait for this friday. can't wait for it to be over. as students in the baker, we are required to give a talk to the whole institute every year, so after this friday, i can relax till 2009.


^SpRInG^ said...

seems like it's today huh...
good luck :D

Jenny O said...

Thank you~ sorry i only read ur comments after the talk. :) i'm glad it's over